‘Reusable nappies? But the washing!’ you cry...
We know, we hear you. The thought of washing and drying your wee one’s soiled reusable nappies can be too much. They’re not for everyone or every household so no pressure from us.
But did you know that the UK throws out 3 billion disposable nappies each year? And by the time a toddler is potty trained they’ll have used between 4,000 and 6,000 nappies? Disposable nappies contain non-recyclable polyethylene plastic and take hundreds of years to break down - even their packaging is plastic. In contrast, a child will only need around 20-30 reusable nappies.
‘But the cost!’ you reply.
Yes, they’re expensive to buy up front. Remember, you don’t have to buy new. We sell very good quality reusable nappies in Merry-go-round and the prices range from 50p to £8.00 (brand new). We won’t sell anything that doesn’t pass our quality standards.
‘Ahah, but the carbon!’ you say.
You’re right. Washing and then drying your nappies in the tumble dryer creates slightly more carbon than it does to make the equivalent amount of disposable nappies. So, you could avoid the tumble dryer on rare sunny days!
Decisions, choices, weigh-ups and trade-offs - all part of parenting - and choosing which nappies to use is just a small part of having a wee one.
Perhaps you could use a mixture of both? If you’d like to learn more about disposable nappies, come into Merry-go-round and we’ll be pleased to help you.
If you are interested in trying cloth nappies why check out Glasgow Cloth Nappies and for further info check out Go Real !
Keep your eyes peeled for our nappucino cloth nappy work shop which will be back in August!