It’s plastic free July!
Millions of people across the world are challenging themselves this month to move away from single-use plastic and learning how to use and reuse plastic responsibly.
We can’t always avoid it, plastic is everywhere! While we can make individual choices to reduce our everyday single-use plastic, we can also learn to be more responsible with other types of plastic too, you know . . . that colourful plastic that our children love . . . toys!
This month we are going to share tips and information about how to make the most out of the plastic toys that are currently in circulation; how you can maintain, repair and ultimately how you can dispose of them in the most environmentally friendly way. So, keep your eyes peeled.
During plastic free July we have been active on our social media channels sharing tips to reduce, maintain and dispose of plastic effectively. We are dedicated to rehoming and reducing waste in our local community, therefore we thought we would keep a blog of all our plastic free July posts to share with our customers and supporters. As well as sharing what other local organisations are doing to reduce plastic in the local community during the lead up to Cop 26.
Last year Merry-go-round rehomed 2485kg of plastic. That’s almost the weight of two cars! And this year, in only 5.5 weeks of trading you have already rehomed 535kg of plastic– that’s almost the weight of 50 mountain bikes!
If you want to get involved with Plastic Free July you can read some further tips here on reducing your single use plastic or avoiding it altogether.